Funeral Celebrants

Everything you needed to know and more

What is a celebrant and where do they come from?

Civil Funerals began in Australia in 1973. The founding father of Civil Funerals, Dally Messenger the 3rd said the funerals should always be according to peoples wishes, needs and wants

A Celebrant is a person who is specifically trained and certified in conducting a funeral service to the wishes of the bereaved family.

A Celebrant understands that the funeral ceremony is the last public event of anyone's life and must be done supremely well.

Are they different to a Humanist Service?

Civil Funerals are very different to Humanist Funerals. Humanists do not allow any religious elements in the service. They are atheists and therefore cannot offer comfort about meeting our loved ones again or even playing certain songs like "Angels" by Robbie Williams or sing any hymns. But what if you want that at the Funeral? What if your dearly departed was never religious but their favourite song was "The Old Rugged Cross". The beauty of Civil Funerals is they can be religious, semi religious or non religious. You can mis songs, poems, CD's, readings and hymns. It's all about getting the service you want for the one you love. Civil Funerals respect your beliefs, your wishes and your desires. After all, you only get one chance to make a last impression

How a civil funeral might look

:- Opening Music - Music of your choice or the Organist
:- Opening words of welcome
:- Reading of a poem (optional)
:- Singing of a hymn (optional)
:- Main tribute / Eulogy
:- Option of additional tributes / eulogies by family / friends
:- Moment of quiet reflection ~ sometimes with music
:- Singing of a second hymn (Optional)
:- Closing of the curtain / Lowering of the Coffin
:- Closing words of Thanksgiving
:- Announcements of Funeral Tea and collection if appropriate

What about sourcing the music?

Playing the right song and sourcing the correct version can be very stressful during your time of grief. You need the assurance that your Celebrant has a knowledge of music and an ability to source whichever songs you wish to use. I can give you that assurance that together we will choose and source the perfect music for an Absolutely Beautiful Funeral.